Once the book arrived, Grace facilitated a strong promotion across the media and the launch of the book was a rapid success welcomed both within the realm of medicine and in particular the wider public, with sales continuing to this day. Grace has all the calm savoir faire that made what otherwise might have been a tempestuous time seem easy and I am eternally grateful to her for being there, saying the right things, and for being the catalyst that made our publication happen. Jane was already a published author and highly acknowledged editor, but I, a newcomer, welcomed the professionalism of Grace Pilkington in navigating the stormy process of publication. What I needed - and had the great good fortune to achieve - was a skilled and experienced midwife to help deliver this baby. ‘On completion of ‘Doctors Dissected’ in 2014 my co-author Jane Haynes and I had the good fortune to fall into the hands of Quartet Books and publication loomed. So enter the magic circle of Grace Pilkington Publicity. Or indeed help a small publisher that has no such team. Now that she is starting her own independent book PR firm, no one could better promote self-publishing authors, or those writers who feel neglected by their own publisher’s promotional team. Marked Cards has registered with the reading public through Grace’s expertise, reputation, and humour.

Major features in both the Gentleman’s Journal and Wiltshire Life suddenly appeared.

Along with the autumn leaves I was blown away. The High Life column of the Spectator recommended the book, Spears Magazine chose Marked Cards as one of its ‘four best autumn reads’. Then the wand summoned forth interviews on BBC Wiltshire (my local), on Talk Radio Europe, an amusing mention in the Hardcastle column of the Daily Mail. A lengthy article in the Mail Online, a double page spread in the Daily Express, a favourable review in Spears magazine were conjured up. A three page feature entered Tatler’s October issue.

Its audience would be limited, I was no household name, and there would be no media interest. Marked Cards, a lighthearted memoir of a more glamorous time, was published by Quartet Books in September 2020. The Magic of Grace Pilkington: In the manner of a beguiling sorceress, Grace Pilkington gave life to my book.