O The Interception patron is now conform to the LRB6 O A Journeymen injured during a game stays injured after the game O A player can't stand up after Piling On anymore O A player on the ground being chain pushed can't use Side Step and Stand Firm anymore

O No more lag in multiplayer after failing Always Hungry with a non-eaten goblin O Loner is now rolled on an interception reroll O During a Blitz event, MA are properly consumed by a Blitz O Strip Ball + Juggernaut : the player is pushed then drop the ball O You don't loose the ball with StripBall on a chainpush anymore O Fix the error preventing from blizting and then getting up with the contextual menu O Interception reroll during a Dump Off doesn't cost a Team reroll to the opponent team anymore

O The player kicking the ball can now blitz during a Blitz event O The team filter is now working properly on the ranking board O Fix of an error when you lose an auction O Correct competition title and name when you add a Coach in a competition O Multiplayer league : reward window isn't displayed twice anymore O Administrator and redactor have a specific font in the administration board O The crowdsurf cutscene is not displayed anymore if you desactivated cutscenes. O Fix a GUI issue when you throw a goblin team mate on your player O Fix visual effects on players (Death, KO and injury) during half-time cutscene O Wild animal tooltip isn't displayed anymore at the end of a turn O Fix an error when you click on a thrower after setting up a pass